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Who is Sophia?

Sophia: noun [soh-fee-uh]. Cleverness, skill, wisdom, intelligence.

We’re all Sophias.

We’re women who have an innate desire for achievement in all that we do, no apologies.

We’re women who know we’re better at ‘momming’ because we have another place to go to channel our brilliance and creativity.

We’re women who are often crushing it but are sometimes feeling crushed.

We’re women who are determined that our kids feel loved and supported no matter what.

We’re women who wonder from time to time if they’re going to turn out ok, but know in our hearts that our kids will be strong, independent, respectful.

We’re women who have wisdom to share and who welcome wisdom from others.

Because we know learning the hard way isn’t the only way.


The Sophia Project is our corporate program that unleashes working parent talent through Intentional Subtraction.